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Compliments & Complaints
In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by Restorative Osteopathy you have the right to complain to us.
The contact details for this are:
Cindy Milway, Restorative Osteopathy, 6 Fairway Close, Esher, Surrey, KT10 0DJ.
Or email:
Please don’t hesitate to contact us first with any complaints and concerns. Your feedback helps the practice to improve and the earlier we are made aware of an issue, the sooner we can rectify it.
Complaints and concerns should be directed to Cindy Milway by email or by post to 6 Fairway Close, Esher, Surrey, KT10 0DJ. We will endeavour to respond within 24 hours and will do all that we can to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
If you feel however that your concern is not dealt with satisfactorily, you may contact the independent Institute of Osteopathy Complaints Resolution Service on Freephone 0800 110 5857, or email
If you are concerned about patient safety and you wish to instigate a formal complaint with the regulatory body, information about how to register a complaint with GOsC can be found on the GOsC website
Please leave us feedback using the form below
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